Our Story

 In 1947 a Hay Loft was relocated onto land owned by J.H. Drummond and his wife Winnifred Doris Drummond , the Hay Loft would be placed in the top North West corner facing East along the road side, the Loft would be Raised onto stilts and on Sept 11, 1947 Mt. Elphinstone Lodge No.130 would hold its first meeting.

Bro. James Hill Drummond and his wife Winnifred Doris Drummond  bequeath the land and title which was legally  transferred from their estate, to the newly formed  Mount Elphinstone Masonic Society

January 13th, 1964 a constitution and By-Laws were created and submitted to become an Incorporated Society and on February 4th, 1964 the Mount Elphinstone Masonic Society was incorporated as a Non Profit Non Reporting self-financed society. The Society President was Robert Cummings and Secretary Edward J Shaw also a founder and charter member of Mount Elphinstone Lodge N0.130 .

The Constition and by-laws of the society were updated to reflect changes in the BC Government Non Profit Society’s Act on October 27th, 2021 our society was once again certified as an incorporated society.

The Constitionaly objects of the society are to maintain and operate the Masonic Hall at 1319 Roberts Creek Road, Roberts Creek, BC and must exercise all  powers, right and privileges of , or pertaining to a Society as provided in the Societies Act of the Province of British Columbia.

The Hive Summer Fest 2023

If you are interested in reserving a spot for our Summer Fest in 2023, please use the form below. No payment will be taken at this time and you will be contacted once your reservation is received to finalize your place at the event.

This years event will be held at Pillar Lake in Falkland, BC where we have secured both the campground and showground. Expect live bands, bbq challenges, onsite food, craft breweries, and more! We are so looking forward to seeing you all there. Should you have any questions or concerns please contact us.